Friday, November 21, 2008

another rant

I have decided that my iPhone is possessed. Yup- POSSESSED! A few blo0gs ago I wrote about the issue I had with my phone when the BSOD came up. Today, my iPod part of the phone would play only a song or two then shut off. When it is 5:50 in the morning and I am trying to jam, this pisses me off! It did not get any better on the way home so I tossed it in my bag. I came home to update the newest firmwear, only to realize that I screwed up and, to make a long story short, had to reset my phone to factory settings- BLOWS!!!!! It finally resets AND backs up everything, saving me hours of time putting everything back on the iPhone.

Like I said, possessed! Now that Thanksgiving is fast approaching, I am 9 months from the wedding and one month from hosting Christmas dinner. Pray for me, please.

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